Its been a while since my last post. November was a busy month with my final exams and taking the Praxis (and passing it, yippee). December has been just as busy but exciting as well. We had a wonderful Christmas. Kyle's favorite Christmas gift was his train table that Santa left for him. Heath's favorite...I think he loves it all but his PSP and Bow seems to be his favorite. The holidays go by so fast, I always hate to see it come to an end. I hope you all have a wonderful New Year. Until next time.
Monday, December 29, 2008
Friday, October 31, 2008
Chunky Treat
We had an amazing time "chunky treating". Kyle really got into going door to door and getting candy. He didn't quite understand that he was not going in to visit people. He kept going in random people's houses and making himself at home. I guess it is good that we live in a small town and knew most of the people. We met up with a friend of Kyle's (Barrett) when we first started trick or treating. Kyle loves Barrett. They are almost the exact same age so they were both experiencing the same level of enjoyment and disbelief. I think they were both confused about why they were getting candy from all of these people and why everyone was dressed up in crazy uniforms. Kyle walked up to some grown man that was dressed as a Werewolf and kicked him in the leg and said, "You aren't a power ranger, I am!" We ended the night at Aunt Jean and Uncle Bobby. Kyle was entertaining them and Grandmamma. After we were pretty sure he had worked off his sugar high, we headed home.
Heath went on a scavenger hunt with the church. He went with Katelyn and Carley. Katelyn dressed as Bam-Bam, Carley dressed as a High School Musical star and Heath said he was dressed as the "fabulous Heath Ford", the apple certainly didn’t' fall far from the tree did it? The scavenger hunt was in a corn field in the middle of NOWHERE (Steens, MS). After the hunt they played some games, ate supper and came home around midnight. Chris picked him up so I didn't get to hear about it until the next day but Heath was full of stories Saturday morning.
Heath went on a scavenger hunt with the church. He went with Katelyn and Carley. Katelyn dressed as Bam-Bam, Carley dressed as a High School Musical star and Heath said he was dressed as the "fabulous Heath Ford", the apple certainly didn’t' fall far from the tree did it? The scavenger hunt was in a corn field in the middle of NOWHERE (Steens, MS). After the hunt they played some games, ate supper and came home around midnight. Chris picked him up so I didn't get to hear about it until the next day but Heath was full of stories Saturday morning.
Disney On Ice
Kyle and I had such a wonderful day today. We went to Tupelo with our friends Gina and Mckenzie Reed-Wood to see Disney On Ice. IT WAS FABULOUS!!! The show was just as entertaining for Gina and I as it was for the kids. If it comes to your area, I strongly reccommend going to see it. The tickets are VERY resonable but oh boy, take your life savings for all the souveniers and such...Cotton Candy (my favorite) was $10.00! CRAZY, but the entertainment was again, FABULOUS!!!
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Affordable Decorating
Last week the kids and I decided that we would create our very own Halloween decorations. We put our engenious heads together and came up with paper-plate decorating because that seemed to be what we had the most of in our house.
This was so much fun and I recommend that you all try it.
The directions are as follows:
1. As many paper plates as you plan to use
2. Print out simple Halloween clip art (without many lines)
3. Dark paint, doesn't matter what color because you are going to paint over it
4. Black spray paint
5. White acrylic paint
Cut out clip art (use as a stencil) paint clip art to plate (using it as glue basically), after paint has dried completely, spray paint entire plate, once dry, remove stencil, you will probably have to paint where the stencil was, I chose to paint mine creative and have a spooky good time.
The other pictures of Kyle after he dressed himself in his favorite clothes. No, he did not match but he was so proud of himself. He found yet another worm but fortunately for the worm, he released him to find "Mommy worm".
To explain the picture of Heath, he convinced me that he could drive so I decided to let him show me. He backed out of the garage and drove down the driveway, around the culdasak and back up the driveway. He did an excellent job! My baby is growing up way too quickly.
God Bless
This was so much fun and I recommend that you all try it.
The directions are as follows:
1. As many paper plates as you plan to use
2. Print out simple Halloween clip art (without many lines)
3. Dark paint, doesn't matter what color because you are going to paint over it
4. Black spray paint
5. White acrylic paint
Cut out clip art (use as a stencil) paint clip art to plate (using it as glue basically), after paint has dried completely, spray paint entire plate, once dry, remove stencil, you will probably have to paint where the stencil was, I chose to paint mine creative and have a spooky good time.
The other pictures of Kyle after he dressed himself in his favorite clothes. No, he did not match but he was so proud of himself. He found yet another worm but fortunately for the worm, he released him to find "Mommy worm".
To explain the picture of Heath, he convinced me that he could drive so I decided to let him show me. He backed out of the garage and drove down the driveway, around the culdasak and back up the driveway. He did an excellent job! My baby is growing up way too quickly.
God Bless
Sunday, October 5, 2008
Our Weekend
Heath played baseball in Southaven this past weekend. The boys always enjoy playing there because of the level of competition. Saturday was a tough day for the Jakes (the baseball team that Heath plays with). Our first game was at 9:00 Saturday morning, which was very early for the boys. We lost our first two games and they were heart breakers. However, the Jakes were ready to “represent” after their losses. They won the third game of the day opening the door to the Consolation Bracket. Somewhere between dinner at Hooters ( a little scary, but it’s a tradition), pillow fights at the hotel, a football game in the hotel parking lot and Heath getting his front tooth knocked out, a decisions was made. The “Come Back Kids” won both games today to get the victorious trophy. Victory was definitely sweet for us all.
So, you may be wondering what Kyle was doing during the excitement… As always, Kyle was a busy little bee. Saturday, Mrs. Pat (Chris’ Mom) and Scotty (Chris’ Brother) were nice enough to have an all day play date with him in Grenada. Sunday Mrs. Pat brought Kyle to the fields in Southaven. He made his grand entrance in an Ole Miss Jersey, baseball pants and baseball cleats. He told Mrs. Pat that he was a “baseball team” and had to wear his baseball stuff. As you can see from the pictures, he looked adorable. There are several MSU fans on our team and they were profusely aggravating him about being a “Dawg”. A lady told Kyle to say, “Go Dawgs” and his come back, “No, I Hotty Toddy Rebel!!!” Yes, that was a very proud moment for us. Another proud moment occurred when we found Kyle doctoring on a caterpillar he found in the mud. After cleaning the caterpillar, Kyle gave the caterpillar a ride on his hat. Literally as I was thinking, “he is just the sweetest little boy” he shows me where the poor caterpillar was put to death by Kyle. My thoughts were quickly altered, “You nasty little boy.”
With all that said, we had a great weekend with our “Baseball Family” and our precious boys and as always our Dear Uncle Bob.
Does it ever amaze you guys how you can have enough love to love your kids the way you love them? I was thinking on the way home tonight that my cup completely runs over with love for my boys and for my husband. I truly couldn’t ask for more than what the Lord has been so generous to give to me.
Until next time Bloggers, hug your kids and tell them how much you love them…they are such an amazing, beautiful gift.
God Bless You All
So, you may be wondering what Kyle was doing during the excitement… As always, Kyle was a busy little bee. Saturday, Mrs. Pat (Chris’ Mom) and Scotty (Chris’ Brother) were nice enough to have an all day play date with him in Grenada. Sunday Mrs. Pat brought Kyle to the fields in Southaven. He made his grand entrance in an Ole Miss Jersey, baseball pants and baseball cleats. He told Mrs. Pat that he was a “baseball team” and had to wear his baseball stuff. As you can see from the pictures, he looked adorable. There are several MSU fans on our team and they were profusely aggravating him about being a “Dawg”. A lady told Kyle to say, “Go Dawgs” and his come back, “No, I Hotty Toddy Rebel!!!” Yes, that was a very proud moment for us. Another proud moment occurred when we found Kyle doctoring on a caterpillar he found in the mud. After cleaning the caterpillar, Kyle gave the caterpillar a ride on his hat. Literally as I was thinking, “he is just the sweetest little boy” he shows me where the poor caterpillar was put to death by Kyle. My thoughts were quickly altered, “You nasty little boy.”
With all that said, we had a great weekend with our “Baseball Family” and our precious boys and as always our Dear Uncle Bob.
Does it ever amaze you guys how you can have enough love to love your kids the way you love them? I was thinking on the way home tonight that my cup completely runs over with love for my boys and for my husband. I truly couldn’t ask for more than what the Lord has been so generous to give to me.
Until next time Bloggers, hug your kids and tell them how much you love them…they are such an amazing, beautiful gift.
God Bless You All
Saturday, September 27, 2008
Our Weekend
It is safe to say that we have had a very busy weekend. Friday we took the boys to the County Fair. Kyle and his friend Cannon had a blast, well after the mini rollercoaster ride (they weren't fond of it). Heath met up with several friends as well and also had a great time. However, I could not keep up with them to take pictures.
Saturday, the Pee Wee football team played in a tournament and placed third over all(which was good). The boys played their little hearts out.
Saturday evening, Heath and his friends went to a dance that was being held by Heath's "girlfriend". The boys had a great time and had nothing but "girls" on their minds when they got home. It really is amazing how quickly our little ones grow.
Saturday, the Pee Wee football team played in a tournament and placed third over all(which was good). The boys played their little hearts out.
Saturday evening, Heath and his friends went to a dance that was being held by Heath's "girlfriend". The boys had a great time and had nothing but "girls" on their minds when they got home. It really is amazing how quickly our little ones grow.
Friday, September 26, 2008
OK, my kids are 7 years apart and fight constantly! I am so tired of them fighting! I have done everything imaginable to get them to get along but nothing has worked. My 11 year old is so sweet but when you get him with his brother(3 yrs old) they both turn into little devils. Today, I decided that this wasn't going to be the day that I lost my mind with them...they just don't need to see that. Anyway, when they started to fight, I made them sit on the couch hugging each other...IT DIDN'T WORK! They are back at it. I need some advice PLEASE!
Oh, if you see missing signs with my picture on it, DO NOT LET ANYONE LOOK FOR ME, BECAUSE I DON'T WANT TO BE FOUND!
Oh, if you see missing signs with my picture on it, DO NOT LET ANYONE LOOK FOR ME, BECAUSE I DON'T WANT TO BE FOUND!
Saturday, September 20, 2008
A Good Day
Hello All- Kyle and I had such a wonderful day today with the Dinkelackers (Amy, Walt, Cody and Andrew) and the Vickers (Jennifer, Addison Clair and Cade). To begin our day, we went to Andrew's birthday party at the buffalo park (so much fun). After the party we went to the Dinkelacker's house to visit and let all of the kids play. The following pictures are proof of how much fun was had by us all, especially the kids. Oh, we also got to visit with Amy Cooper Harbinson and her children.
Obviously, the kids all enjoyed playing in the mud and the parents enjoyed watching them just as much.
Obviously, the kids all enjoyed playing in the mud and the parents enjoyed watching them just as much.
Monday, September 15, 2008
Supporting the Dawgs
We went to the MSU vs. Alburn game this past weekend to support our State Friends. We had a great time tailgating with The Vickers and The Dickelackers. Though Heath has Rebels running through his blood, he was a sport and helped cheer on the Dawgs.
I forgot my camera so had to depend on Jennifer to take pictures. The attached are all I have.

My Addy Girl and her Emmy

Jennifer and Me
I forgot my camera so had to depend on Jennifer to take pictures. The attached are all I have.
My Addy Girl and her Emmy
Jennifer and Me
Friday, August 22, 2008
Heath's Pictures
Heath doesn't like to have his picture taken so most of my pictures of him are from afar or on the baseball field. The pictures of all the boys in red baseball jerseys are from the USSSA All Star Tournament. Heath was one of 22 kids chosen in Mississippi to play on this team. Unfortunately, the game was rained out in the bottom of the 4th.
2008 Family Vacation
For our family vacation this year we went to Gatlinburg, TN. We had a very nice time and made tons of memories. The highlight of our trip was the Aquarium. The kids were amazed and I must say, so were the adults. We also enjoyed the normal tourist stuff, putt putt, the water park etc... As you will see in the pictures, Chris' mom (Pat) and brother (Scotty) went with us and definately contributed to the fun that was had on our vacation.
God Bless
God Bless
Thursday, January 3, 2008
Tis The Season
I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas and New Years. The Ford's had a FABULOUS HOLIDAY SEASON. We had a wonderful time sharing with one another and others. Christmas morning is always exciting but this year was even more. Kyle, was so delighted yet so confused when he saw what Santa left for him. His first word was Oh Goodness, My toys! The delight and enthusiasm in his eyes was priceless and naturally, I didn't get it on camera. Heath was pleasantly surprised and excited as well.
The highlight of our Christmas was shopping for a little 10 year old boy that wouldn't be getting anything for Christmas unless someone volunteered to get it for him. We got his list and as a family headed out for Wal-Mart or as Kyle so effectionately refers to it as All-Bart to fulfill this poor child's Christmas List. His list consisted of 6 things: 2 shirts, 2 pants, a belt and a 10 speed bike in that exact order. Fortunately we were able to get all the things on his list and a few days before Christmas we took the gifts to the child's mother. She was so thankful, humble and proud. She said that her son wouldn't have gotten anything had it not been for our family. It does a heart good to do for others and it was a WONDERFUL Life Leason for Heath. He has talked about that for two weeks and is very proud that he was a part of doing something for a less fortunate child, after all, that is what Christmas is SUPPOSED to be all about.
I love to read my sisters' (Tiffany and Demetria) blogs they always gives me ideas about things to do with my posts, so in this segment on FOUR FABULOUS FORDS I have attached some pictures from our holiday season. I hope you enjoy. Thank You for sharing your ideas Tiff!
Until Next Time, God Bless
The highlight of our Christmas was shopping for a little 10 year old boy that wouldn't be getting anything for Christmas unless someone volunteered to get it for him. We got his list and as a family headed out for Wal-Mart or as Kyle so effectionately refers to it as All-Bart to fulfill this poor child's Christmas List. His list consisted of 6 things: 2 shirts, 2 pants, a belt and a 10 speed bike in that exact order. Fortunately we were able to get all the things on his list and a few days before Christmas we took the gifts to the child's mother. She was so thankful, humble and proud. She said that her son wouldn't have gotten anything had it not been for our family. It does a heart good to do for others and it was a WONDERFUL Life Leason for Heath. He has talked about that for two weeks and is very proud that he was a part of doing something for a less fortunate child, after all, that is what Christmas is SUPPOSED to be all about.
I love to read my sisters' (Tiffany and Demetria) blogs they always gives me ideas about things to do with my posts, so in this segment on FOUR FABULOUS FORDS I have attached some pictures from our holiday season. I hope you enjoy. Thank You for sharing your ideas Tiff!
Until Next Time, God Bless
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